Monday, December 30, 2013

Happy New Year! Last chance for an update!

So...its been what...half a year? Well, I'm still here, sorry to everyone that is still coming around, I got really busy in my personal life, and I just didn't have much time to do much of anything here on the site. While its not my new year resolution to be updating once a week, I do hope to get more updates than what I had been.

And I can't any better way to start that and 2014 with the reveal of a girl I've wanting to make for a long time. :3  I named her:

Soft...Cara Soft


Its not too difficult to know who she is based on, or rather who is based on her! Hopefully, I can write up a proper bio for her and possible friends soon; in the mean time, I hope you all like the pic.

Hope you all had a wonderfully Merry Christmas and here is to a Happy New Year!

Monday, September 30, 2013

September update: MARCO...polo...

So, its been awhile :) well I was catching the final episode of Breaking Bad last night when I thought..."Well sums, its about time to update the blog." and I come with some news.

I finally got a new computer since my home was struck by lightning zapping everything I owned. The bad news is that its not a computer that is suited for the rendering process. I swear, I felt like it was about to die just rendering a very simple image.

Secondary good news, a good 3dx friend of mine, whom I've been in pretty good contact with offered to help out. I sent him a posed up set for them to render, not only they render the image, they did four times! so instead of picking one version I decided that I would post all and let you guys decide which is your favorite :)


             Bllomeffect                                           Clean

             Glareeffect                                    Glarerayeffect

Ok, and with that, I take my leave. I hope you enjoy Arkenia as much as I am, NOT LIKE THAT! OK FINE...

Sunday, August 4, 2013

A belated sad day...

I know its kind of old news but it still hit pretty hard. So today I found out on a 3d vending site that one of my favorite vendors has passed, I'm not going to disgrace them by saying their name here (you'll figure it out easily enough if you don't already know).

I only mention it because it brought up something that I think of now and again which is about all the great 3DX artists I've known of in the past decade that have come and gone in much the same way. Some cases I know they are still among the living, others I don't know if they have actually passed away or not, but they no longer publish work and that's close enough.

Some of my favorites,

Svarog's sfxxxplace
This was the first site I stumbled upon with 3DX! such a great amount of images full of awesomness. The man was way beyond his time with crazy situations and if you were tired of reading all the odd story lines then you could just watch the animations he made of everything. Fantastic!
Urkel's Monsters and girls
Another one of the greats whose site I patroned was Urkela, no animations but the comic style images where the shit, this was the guy I got my start from by asking him all the need to know questions I needed to know. Truly, the 3DX world is a lonely place without his work filling it up...
Now, I know this guy is still around, but I mention him because he doesn't post work anymore...its too bad too because he had what I thought would be a great nitch all to himself in the fantasy realm, but I'm still hoping he comes back someday. Too bad blogger shut his blog down :.(
Davo's Beyond Bent

Also still around, This guy at one time had four sites running at the same time! His store site, and three comic sites, insane...Davo was another one of my early mentors, his art wasn't as crisp as Urkel's but what it lacked visually, it made up for in creativity and plot depth. I figure he's more confy being the vendor of choice for most 3DXers.
(*NOTE* I take no credit for these images, I only show them to give an idea of what these guys made.)

I could go on with this list for a while, but I wont, cause I'd like to hear from you all. Whom where some of your favorites that no longer produce their 3D eye candy?!?!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

July Upda...Wait...Its August?!?! Already! a long time ago YmomY once said I had the worst luck. At the time, I just laughed it off, but now I'm really beginning to think she was right. If you live in the U.S. like me then you know there was no place to escape the heat waves across the land in June and July, that is until the rains came; and with rain, came lightening.

To make a long story short (too late!) my house was struck and my electronics got F.U.B.A.R.ED! Luckily I still have my smartphone...great back to this thing again, man I hate intangible letter keys!

Anyways, I hate posting without any work to show for it so here is a pic of Semira I uploaded back in June, but just kept putting off posting it... hope ya'll like her!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

BirthMonthDay! Celebration! Scavenger! Blog! Hunt! Contest! Extravaganza(Sp?)! has come to an end.

Well, its June and that means the contest has ended! and as it turns out Stu PidIdiot found girl 4 and...
Wait...what is this! Girl 4 is evolving! Girl 4 has evolved into...

Tatum >,<

Many thanks to Diz for his help with the contest; and I would also like to thank all the other blogs Zen, Knight, and Jomish! Couldn't have done it without your help...well...maybe, but it wouldn't have been as fun!

personally, I had fun running around like a headless chicken, trying to get everything done and sent to the others in time. But there was a time, that I was downtrodden with the lack of response from anyone, and seriously contemplated NEVER DOING ANOTHER CONTEST *DUN DUN DUUN!* So I wanted to hear what you all thought of the contest, good or bad.

If you missed any of the girls locations you can find them here:

1. Azar
Blog: Zafo
Location: in the post Wanted!

(I'll just sneak in right here, no one will find me!)

2. Semira
Blog: Erotic Arts 3D Mesh
Location: in the post Aliens Abducting

3. Arkenea
Blog: MongoBongoArt
Location: in the post Resident Evil: Futa Clones

4. Tatum
Blog: Dizzy's Renders
Location: the banner to ymomy's blog

Friday, May 31, 2013

Uncle Sam is watching U...S...

Ok, so at midnight, the start of Thursday (Central Time) a facility run by the NSA went critical. Its purpose: to record all internet activity in the U.S. That means every key stroke, every site you go to, every image or video you view/watch, and every message you send/read will be recorded Until the end of time, or until its defunded. Either way, right!?

Now I don't know about you, I intend to stick IT to the man! and so does Azar!


Soon, I will introduce the new bio pages for my girls.

Hope you all like the pic. More to come.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Final Week, Final Girl

Man this past weekend was so busy, I barely had any time to set up the last girl. But set up she still got, so no excuses for not finding her! Now let us end this contest with a bang :)

Hint - What do ya mean she's not in a post!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

7th inning stretcth

This doesn't really tie into anything. I'm just really board and wanted to post it right quick.

To be honest, I was actually posted the link in anticipation of the 500, of which my boy Kanaan won! No seriously he is my son, even if I made that up...

I know this video only has the common link of cars to the 500, its often do ya see a woman get into a car with the intent to demonstrate how g-forces act on buttons?

Cracks me up every time!

Enjoy :)

Thursday, May 23, 2013


So last night I messed up! I completely ignored the whole moral to that movie the social network, don't drink and blog! well I didn't drink but I did blog and accidentally kinda might have permitted YmomY's post to be shown...

With that, congratulations YmomY, Girl 3 shall hence forth be known as...


Arkenea can be found here; To be honest, I was somewhat insistent in having Arkenea placed in an RE post. My enthusiasm for the games and enjoyment of Mongo's sets might have bleed into hint 3 a little too much :J

My thanks to MongoBongo for his participation this week, if you liked his teaser work but have not yet been a member of his paysite, I highly recommend it, his sets are well worth it. (seriously, its like $12. Who doesn't have $12?! Even I have $12!)

Monday, May 20, 2013

May! BirthMonthDay! Celebration! Scavanger! Blog! Hunt! Contest! Extravaganza(SP:?)! :Week 3

Ok, so a bit of news first, I just set up Jenny Poussin's page where you can find any and all Jenny pics I have done. Its incomplete ATM, but hopefully soon, I can finish it.

Now to other things, Week 3 of the contest starts today! YAY! and if you thought it was tough to find either Azar or Semira, then wait until you start searching for girl 3! Its so hard I'm gonna have to give 3 hints just to hope someone finds her!

Note: Remember, girl 3 is the elf.

Hint #1
Simple, she is on Mongo's blog!

Hint #2
Thumbnails don't tell the whole story but full view does! :)

Hint #3
The movies were anywhere from ho-hum to absolutely atrosious! but its still my favorite game franchise! ;)

With that Week 3 has begun!

Good luck!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Week 2 closed! We have a winner! Crap i forgot last weeks winner!

Ok, I completely forgot about announcing the winner for week 1, I guess I was focused too much on Mongo's latest set to give anything else a thought...check it out if you haven't seen it. Anyways, week 1 was a sad week for me because no one found the girl :( Because of that the prize by default went to Zafo! Now, because he won, he chose to select girl 1's name from those that had been offered up in the comments section in the other posts. His choice you might be wondering?!?! *Drum role*

Azar!!!  XD
(pin up posted soon, stay tuned)

Week 2 I am happy to say did have a winner, Girl 2 can be found Here. The winning hunter was Will Zen. Now, because Zafo picked Zen's name for Azar, I will not count it against him; which means the name for girl 2 is...

Semira!!1! *_*
(pin up posted soon, stay tuned)

So congrates to both winners...errrZen I guess...and I wish you all good luck in week 3!
until then

Also wanted to give a big thanks to CNC55 for helping out this week.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Week 1 has closed! Ready for Week 2?!?!

Week 1 has now closed. The girl can be found...HERE

I will post the winner as soon as I can, I hope those of you who took part in the hunt enjoyed yourselves, and I hope you will all join the hunt in week 2!

I also want to say thanks to Zafo for lending his site for the hunt! Regardless of wether you searched his blog or not, you all should check it out! zafo has a lot of really good and informative stuff posted :)

                Girl #1                                   Girl #2                  Girl #3 (elf)/Girl #4 (blonde)

Ok, Girl 2 is set and I have re-shuffled the list of blogs so have at it. Round 2 begins NOW!

I'll give you all a hint, the blog that girl 2 is on, does 3dx pron!

ok, that was a joke for me:) sorry, here it is: 2012 was a good year...

If your new to the contest click >>---------------------------------->OVER HERE :) for the rules.

Good luck!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Asking for Help, Pleeeeeeeaaaaase.

Ok, so here are my four nameless Beauties up front for all to see. Now as you all know I have my contest going to name them, but I would also like to see what everyone would like to give them, regardless of whether or not you participate in the contest. So please leave a comment on your thoughts here. :)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

May! Birthmonthday! Celebration! Scavenger! Blog! Hunt! Contest! Extravaganza(SP?)!

Ok, Do you remember when you were five and your parents wanted to throw you but they threw this elaborate birthday party instead. You thought it was because it was you, but in reality it was your parents out-classing the other parents in the neighborhood! Well, this is what that birthday party should been without the parental grudges duking it out; just pure unadulterated fun! Well its adulterated a little bit ;)

I noticed not too long ago that really all my girls are going into projects which have their own little world of a story. Then I realized the Mina was the only girl I've really introduced for the site. So, I give to you, the Scavenger blog hunt! The idea is simple, I have four new girls (all will be posted later since I'm not home (I apologize again)) who are in desperate need of names; I have been in talks with a few fellow bloggers whom have graciously granted my requests for assistance in this contest. Each week, somewhere on one of the helping sites one of the girls will lay in wait. If you find a "hidden" image then you just might win your chance to name the vixxxen! You will also receive a personalized image as well! :D 

                Girl #1                                   Girl #2                  Girl #3 (black)/Girl #4 (blo)


  1. All answers along with your BlogSpot name must be emailed to me:
  2. You must use a BlogSpot account, no anonymous users will be accepted (I will disable that feature for the duration of the contest.
  3. To enter the contest, comment what you would like each girl to be named.
  4. When submitting an answer, you must be specific, what blog and where at on said blog.
  5. Hunts will last from Monday until the end of Friday.
  1. Hosts may choose to place an image wherever they wish so long as it is on their blog. (I retain the right to...suggest a possible location.)
  2. Hosts can not submit an answer for the image on their blog. enough said!
  3. Hosts can submit an answer for any image not found on their blog.
  4. Hosts will be given proper time to prepare for their hunt during Saturday & Sunday.
  1. Winning is based primarily on who answers first.
  2. The winner of each hunt will be announced on the Saturday following the hunt.
  3. An individual is allowed to win only once.
    1. In the event that a former winner is the only one to submit a correct answer, then they shall be declared the winner again.
    2. If no one finds the image in time, the prize is given to the host.
  4. Please refrain from obnoxious names like slutarina, ivana hompalot, or pussy galore!
It has begun!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April update: Holy crap I did it again!

Ok, I have been away for what...almost two months! yeah sorry about that everybody, just when I figured I was going to have more time for my rendering pass time, BAM! reality hit with a big oak stick...or was it spruce? Anyways, I digress, yea I had a chance to get back into my area of expertise and I took it and ran with it. Just when that started to settle down, Renderotica announced the annual Alien Invasion contest, so naturally I had to get in on that and so that is what I have been doing for the past few weeks. barely managed to upload my work on time too! If you would like to check it out here is a link:

I hope you all check it out and post a comment on it/rate it if you would be so kind. And while your there check all the other entries, its a good place to get your fap on so go for it!

What else is there...OH I fixed the link to zzomp's site. ever since his blog was shut down I never took the time to replace the old banner with his new (working) sites banner.

Last but not to be the least, I just wanted to announce my birthday is coming up sometime in the near month. so, I am planning a to do some renovations to the old blog and I'm thinking about a contest. what do you think? Sound good? I thought it did...anyways I would give the rules out tonight but I am way too tired to make stuff up right now, so until next month all!

Hopefully not the end of the month...

Thursday, March 7, 2013

March monthly update: HOLY CRAP THIS IS WIERD!!!1!!

Ok! Since November I've been using my phone to access the internet. I got so used to it that I am seriously having trouble writing this post! All the letters are in different places, the camma is on the right side of the keyboard! MY HEAD ESPLODE! So please nevermind any typing/grammatical errors.

With that said, yes! I have finally accuired a computer and have wasted no time getting to work on it. But before I go into more detail on that, a quick announcement:

I just wanted to say thats there is a decent deal going on over at content paradise, they're selling Poser 9 for 78% off and also Poser Pro 2012 is on sale at 70% off! so they're only $69.99 and $149.99 respectively. So if your thinking about getting into this hobby now would be a pretty good time to do so, and if your someone who bought either program before the deal...that sucks...

Now to more impotant news. What has been produced? Well...see for yourselves :)

Ode de Jenny Poussin

Still got some work to go but there ya go. Hope ya'll like it!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

February Update: The search continues!

Holy crap, I almost missed my monthly update! Ok, I'm slowly but surely amassing my funds for a new computer; while thats goin down, you all really gotta go check out zen3d.

Zen has really gone above and beyond improoving his skills. right now hes got a really good set on, I say it would be in your best interest to check it out!

Monday, January 21, 2013

January update: Good news/Bad news

-Good news- late saturday night I got my laptop working again.

-Bad news- Checked for updates and found I had 142 updates to install. It finished Sunday.

-Good news- In my absince, I have been in steady talks with Mad Monk over the details of the set I was making for him. I've joked that I was originally planning to make a set about 30 pics long; what we have come up with is more like ten chapters long! :)

-Good news- I also talked to bigbear69 about doing a prequal to his story "They're Coming!" and he agreed! :D So I'll be fitting that in between chapters of Mad Monks story. If you don't know the story , you should check it out! Its over at renderotica.

-Good news- I also asked a third person if I could do some sets on a character of hers. Who is she you may ask! might not know her...

Her name is Jenny Poussin 8B b. So I asked and she said yes; now, she also asked in return that I make the character look as much like her as possible.

*Inner Sumuner voice- Like I would say no!*

Now thats my kinda muse!!1!

-Bad news- I was rendering one of the last test renders for Jenny when...IT HAPPENED AGAIN! saddly, I lost the test renders :.(

-Good/Bad news (depending on if you're a glass half full or half empty kinda person)- Jenny is soooooo hot, she blew my computer up!

I think I'm gonna buy me a new computer instead of repairing my old one...