Sunday, June 2, 2013

BirthMonthDay! Celebration! Scavenger! Blog! Hunt! Contest! Extravaganza(Sp?)! has come to an end.

Well, its June and that means the contest has ended! and as it turns out Stu PidIdiot found girl 4 and...
Wait...what is this! Girl 4 is evolving! Girl 4 has evolved into...

Tatum >,<

Many thanks to Diz for his help with the contest; and I would also like to thank all the other blogs Zen, Knight, and Jomish! Couldn't have done it without your help...well...maybe, but it wouldn't have been as fun!

personally, I had fun running around like a headless chicken, trying to get everything done and sent to the others in time. But there was a time, that I was downtrodden with the lack of response from anyone, and seriously contemplated NEVER DOING ANOTHER CONTEST *DUN DUN DUUN!* So I wanted to hear what you all thought of the contest, good or bad.

If you missed any of the girls locations you can find them here:

1. Azar
Blog: Zafo
Location: in the post Wanted!

(I'll just sneak in right here, no one will find me!)

2. Semira
Blog: Erotic Arts 3D Mesh
Location: in the post Aliens Abducting

3. Arkenea
Blog: MongoBongoArt
Location: in the post Resident Evil: Futa Clones

4. Tatum
Blog: Dizzy's Renders
Location: the banner to ymomy's blog


  1. Jajaja cool place to hide n_n

  2. Nice work with the hiding of them, you should give this a go every few months, with some type of prize rewards ;)

    Find the girl win a 2 or 3 image commission :)

    1. Oh I've already made arrangments to do something every other week *MU HUU HAAHAA!*

      Well, maybe not that often but it would be fun to do something every now and again. try and do something like thatas a reward. :)

  3. Hello sum, n_n How go those works?

    1. Sigh...the works have been going pretty slow, I haven't been able to sit down concentrate on any work since the contest. I haven't even had time to get a new post up yet, but I will I promise!

      Thanks for asking :)
