Wednesday, March 5, 2014

100K!!!!!! XD

WOO! YEA! 100K...but ummm no winner ok...this is

in other news, as some of you may have noticed, I didn't finish all my bios. I left a few of them up to a friend of mine who is writing the stories for Samira and Cara. As for Azar, I'm honestly still trying to decide what her story is. Thinking I might make her a futureesk story line, but really not sure :/ If anyone would like to plug a line, I'd more than happy to read it...its either that I need to throw darts and hope something coherent comes up! HA! :)

anyways back to the task at hand, thanks to all of you that have visited my blog this past year and a half, HA! I really appreciate it and I hope you like the work that I've posted, and I will continue to post more for you all down the road! X) and I hope that I can improve my skills as I go on!

Thanks again!

I'll update this when someone (anyone!) messeges me! Which I guess means...the contest is still open...:)At this point, pretty sure a comment below would suffice...

And my poll still has two days to go on it so please vote if you haven't already! :)

Oh! also, I don't know if you saw but over at Zenn's site, he's got a poll of his own going so check it out HERE! Yup, he's got some interesting ideas, one of my favorites is his Star Wars Twi'liak(SP?)
I liked it so much, I said to myself, "Hey Sums, what could we make in the SW realm for shits 'n' giggles..." So I put together this pretty little number...

Don't really know if I'm gonna do anything with her, I just wanted to have some fun :)
I believe she is a Zabrak, but I could be wrong. Please excuse the clothing, I wasn't in the mood to retexture anything... So what do you all think we should call her?


  1. Hey I like the star wars babe! Will she be a reguler?

    has anyone claimed the thing yet? If ont ill take ya up on it! I wanna see Tatum caught by your king alin. her are stuck in goo spread apart and hands stuck to. her belly fullof alien cock and cum. is this possible?

    1. Yea, I can do that. :)

      As for SW, thanks glad you like her. don't know yet if she will be a regular. I know I want to, but I'm debating whether I should, can, or will...
      But, if I do I think I'm gonna call her Mion.
