Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Another Celeb passed...

Well shit Harold Ramis died the other day! Now under normal circumstances, this shouldn't be any real cause for sadness, I mean the guy hasn't been in any movie since knocked up. But honestly, I'm not much on normal... I bring it up because I'm a huge ghostbusters fan and he just so happened to be the writer/director of that shit! He even worked on the video games for cryin' out loud! and if it hadn't of been for douchie Mcdouch, the guy Rick Moranis, We all could have enjoyed a third installment in the movie saga! BUT NOT NOW!!!!111!

Sorry, I know its not really my field to talk movies, I don't really like watching modern movies, more of a gamer these days than anything since you're less likely to have to listen to a half baked theory drench in some kind of lame ass ideology for three quarters of the time and finished off with some weak plot line that ends up contradicting what the rest of the movie was about...

Going along the same topic, but not really, one of our own hasn't been doing too good for almost a month and a half now! He was MIA almost the whole time, until recently getting in contact, you know for a bit there I thought he was gone to us, but as luck would have it that's not the case, so until he gets back to tip top shape, this one is for him!

[Pic still rendering (DAM! this takes too long!)]
[[Ok, so it finished rendering, but it looked aweful with the lighting I had used. so I need to spend a bit more time working on it. I'll post it ASAP!]]
And don't forget to keep checkin in to see if you break the 100K mark and get yourelf a PRIZE LIMITED EDITION RENDER! by me! XD

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Another update?!?!?!?!?!?!? ALREADY!

Soooo, yea, I believe this is my first time in a while to post twice in one week! If ever...

Anyways, several months ago, one of my friends on here mentioned to me I ought to do more contests, one every few months, which I thought was some pretty sound advice. Well boys and girls, I do believe now is as good a time as any to hold such a CONTEST!

To the right you may notice the newly installed "Ticker Thing", well, I was thinking I need to commemorate my up coming 100K mark! \o/

 Ha! Now to most other bloggers around here, that may be chump change, but to a genuine slacker deluxe like myself! that's pretty good! X)

So, who so ever happens upon this site as the first 100+K viewer and sends me a screen shot of the ticker, then as your reward, you may choose from any of my lovely ladies to be depicted in any manner you so desire, being ravished by whom or what ever you so desire!

NOTE: The above is only true so long as I have the models and props to support the request.

NOTE: Death & kiddy porn are completely out! you know who you are! sicko!

My, time is very limited on this work so I can only allow for a one(1) pic request, but if you're extra good, I might add a second...we'll see...

UPDATE: ok, here is a group shot of all the girls to choose from! its kindof an odd background, but in my defense, I was going for a line up shot kinda look...think Usual Suspects...
(From left to right: Cara Soft, Akenia, Mina, Semira Sim, Tatum, and Azar)

And I think while I'm in the contesting mood, we might as well have a poll while we're at it! So, which of these lovely gals is the HOTEST!? I think I'll leave it up for a while (like 2 weeks) so vote now! :)

Friday, February 21, 2014

Winter sucks and stuff!

So, I bet you're all thinking WTF! right about now...well I do apologize for that. I truly did intend to render some pics and post them at the beginning of this month; however, for the first time in my life I have succumb to winter sickness for two consecutive years. This year, in fact just about the time I last posted I came down with the Flu. Now if that wasn't bad enough, just as I was feeling better, I got food poisoning...

Needless to say, I really didn't feel like doing much of anything for the last few weeks.

SO! here are your treats for being so patient! Originally, was only gonna make a quick pic of Arkenia, then I thought to myself "you know Sums, you never did make a proper pic of Tatum from after the contest (sorry file got corrupted...) Which means I got a lot to rectify here today!
And, to makeup for that I have created a few pinups of all my girls from "Tales of Wiverland" I decided to make each pic 1920 X 1080 so they should be wallpaper approved! :) Hope you like em!

You know one day I really need to create some bios for these ladies.

Well, that all I have for you today, I hope you like them. If you would be so kind as to let me know what you think, I surely would appreciate the feed back.